Friday, July 9, 2010

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): Overview

As we all know that today for a beginner to start a business it is very important to build a website or a web application. The website means to teach the world the advantages of your product. Nowadays presentation and layout of your web page is very important for the client. So that’s why CSS plays an important role.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet is a style sheet language that gives a presentation of a markup language like XHTML or HTML. It is mostly used for presenting the web pages written in XHTML or HTML.

CSS was developed by W3C (WWW Consortium) when a problem arose in two mega web Browsers i.e. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, when they continued adding many HTML Specification and HTML Tags and it was very difficult to design Web Pages because the content of presentation layout and HTML document were evidently separated. In this era all the Web browsers are supporting CSS because its effectiveness saves a lot of time. W3C maintains all the specification of CSS.

The function of a CSS is to define the way in which it wants to display the various HTML elements. Many styles of font color, font size and font type are stored in a separate .CSS file, with that .CSS file you employ changes in the style of all HTML elements, without even going through your all web pages. In a nutshell it gives you a hold on multiple web pages to employ changes in their format and style.

We will describe more about CSS in upcoming sections; the brief overview of CSS is given below if you can’t summarize it:

  • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet
  • CSS was developed by W3C (WWW Consortium)
  • W3C maintains all the specification of CSS.
  • The function of a CSS is to define the way in which it wants to display the various HTML elements.
  • CSS gives you a hold on multiple web pages to employ changes in their format and style

Best collection of Wordpress Slider Plugins

No web design plugin has become as popular recently as the wordpress content slider! This great plugins can highlight or display your best products and most popular articles in such a small space on your website . And on top off all that, with the correct image selection and well chosen content they look great as well.

When you take the most popular current web sliders and mix them with the most popular CMS (Wordpress), you just know there is going to be a bunch of free plugins you could easily use.

Front Slider Wordpress Plugin

Front Slider Wordpress Plugin
Front Slider, with its smooth sliding effect, will allow you to display an unlimited number of posts including images and thumbnails. You can set the speed, duration and whether or not to allow it to auto-rotate. Overall its very easy to customise and can be integrated into most WP themes with ease.
Front Slider Wordpress Plugin »
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vSlider – WordPress Image Slider Plugin

vSlider – WordPress Image Slider Plugin
vSlider is a jQuery based image slide show script that can display specific images on your WordPress based website with fading or sliding transitions. It makes use of the core WordPress jQuery library, making it very tiny, about 20 kb, and you don’t have to have any knowledge of coding for using it!
It can use images from your posts using custom fields or scanning for images in the post to feature your latest posts from a specific category (for example a featured category), this way with every new post the slider will automatically update it self.
vSlider – WordPress Image Slider Plugin »
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SlideDeck WordPress Slideshow Plugin WP

SlideDeck WordPress Slideshow Plugin WP
SlideDeck is a new way to display rich content on websites and blogs. It delivers a better user experience by removing the information overload and providing a fun, quick and beautiful slider for users to interact with your blog posts and other content.
The SlideDeck WordPress plugin allows you to easily create a content slider widget or slideshow on your WordPress blog without having to write any code. Just create a new slider with the SlideDeck control panel tool and insert the widget into your post via the WYSIWYG editor with the TinyMCE plugin SlideDeck picker.
You can also create a dynamic slider by using the Smart Slider function. Just choose your blog post criteria (recent, popular, featured), select a theme, set your options and viola, you have a dynamically updated slider in seconds! Users can now visually experience your blog posts.
SlideDeck WordPress Slideshow Plugin WP »
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WP Slideshow Gallery

WP Slideshow Gallery
WP Slideshow Gallery is a flexible and easy to configure JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcase for Wordpress.
WP Slideshow Gallery »
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Featured Content Gallery Plugin

Featured Content Gallery Plugin
Completely customizable, the Featured Content Gallery is very easy to integrate. Choose to automate the plugin and simply add a custom field to each post or page you want to display and the gallery will show the image, an auto-generated thumbnail in the upper carousel, and the title and first few lines of page/post text. Advanced options allow inclusion of custom thumbnail images, text, gallery styles and transitions.
Featured Content Gallery Plugin »
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Frontpage-Slideshow for WordPress

Frontpage-Slideshow for WordPress
There are no limits to how many slides Frontpage-Slideshow will allow, it will automatically start when images are preloaded and will retrieve automaticaly all information to show depending on global parameters. All aspects can be easily customized: sizes, colors, background-images, transitions, durations, parts to show and preload animations.
Frontpage-Slideshow for WordPress »
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Featurific, The Terrific Featured Item Slideshow!

Featurific, The Terrific Featured Item Slideshow!
Featurific, The Terrific Featured Item Slideshow! »
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Smooth Slider – Slideshow Of Featured Posts

Smooth Slider - Slideshow Of Featured Posts
Smooth Slider is a free, feature rich and easy to customise and style Wordpress Plugin that assigns a post as featured posts on a blog and then create a slideshow with them to show at any location on a blog.
Smooth Slider – Slideshow Of Featured Posts »
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Wordpress Content Slide Plugin

Wordpress Content Slide Plugin
Content Slide a WP plugin to create fully customizable jQuery fading image slideshows/sliders anywhere within your WordPress site. Custom options include slideshow size, color, style and more, much more.
Wordpress Content Slide Plugin »
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Getting ready for a freelancing career money quickly is not a very difficult task and that too at the comfort of your home. There are plenty of ways to try your hands at freelancing among which freelancing writing is the best option so far. There is a huge network of freelancing writers around the globe who constantly look for contents for their websites and blogs. There would be no problem in getting work once you prove yourself via your content, your reliable work and the quality service to your customers.

Once you become comfortable in writing, you can even try your hands for online magazines or other magazine companies that are operating online and will pay you greatly for your work. You might get disappointed in the early stages but don’t give up, try to sign up in more and more websites providing freelancing opportunities so that people who want good content or a writer can contact you. If you get serious about your writing work, you may earn a handsome amount of money for just a couple of hours. Freelancing writing can be an awesome way to make some extra money for young people, house wives and for those who are not comfortable moving out of their home.

Why is PHP used? / Benefits of Using PHP

There is always a question in the mind of people that why PHP is used that much, and why it’s become more popular with every forth coming day, these are those people who are not aware of the benefits of using PHP

The benefits of PHP are:

1. Easy to Use

In HTML code is embedded. To jump into and out of “PHP Mode” the PHP code is enclosed in special start and end tags.


2. Cross Platform

a) The best thing in PHP is that it can be run at almost any web server on several operating systems.

b) The wide range of supported databases is another strong feature of PHP

Web Servers: Netscape Enterprise Server, Apache, Microsoft IIS, Caudium

Operating Systems: Windows NT/98/2000/XP/2003/vista/7, UNIX (HP-UX, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux), Mac OSX

Supported Databases: Velocis,Unix dbm, Direct MS-SQL, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle (OCI7 and OCI8), Solid, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Hyperwave,IBM DB2, Informix, Ovrimos, FrontBase, mSQL, Ingres, InterBase, Adabas D, FilePro (read-only)

3. Cost Benefits

Cost benefits always get edges over other product but if it comes with ease to use and also supporting cross platform then it becomes the famous thing in the world. This is what PHP is all about a blend of all the features. The open source code means everyone around the world contribute towards fixing the bugs in PHP. PHP several add-on technologies are also free